Energywork & Alignments
** Starting August 14, 2024, Sonja will no longer be accepting In Studio Energywork clients **
Come as you are! Each Energywork session is tailored to further your understanding of the Self, your Spiritual & Metaphysical anatomy, and bring you into the present moment - (re)igniting the grounded healer within you.
As a Healer & Intuitive, Sonja is an active listener and a deeply encouraging catalyst and works with what (or who) your energetic body is ready to invite in or release. These changes may encompass shifting career paths, relationship endeavors, releasing past emotional imprinting, dismantling societal conditioning, or coping with grief and loss.
Sonja’s warmth, compassion, and expansive energetic skillset support your questions in a safe and comfortable space. Each session is customized to help you heal energetic & relationship blockages, release unconscious fears and attachments, learn how to replenish the mind & body, and design your next steps forward.
Ultimately, Sonja believes, when you feel aligned in your mind-body-spiritual growth, you can facilitate desired change with joy and ease.
Various modalities and tools are available in order to meet the personalized needs and intentions of your session. These may include:
Reiki - Past Life Regression - Chakra Balancing & Cleansing - Mediumship - Tuning Forks - Holistic Dietary & Nutritional Guidance - Cord Cutting
Please review the services and their descriptions below to see which are most aligned with your needs and goals.
Energetic Services
Intuitive Readings
Offered by phone, Sonja uses all her senses to pull forth messages. Her answers aim to provide depth and details to your questions. Intuitive readings help connect you and the intuitive voice within yourself that can become blocked by worry, anxiety, or the fear of unknowing. Sonja values your time - her style is quick, clear, playful.
Intuitive sessions bring you into the present moment - gaining clarity and balance. Each session may focus on personal life guidance, relationships with others, relationships with the Self, health & wellness, career, spiritual connections, life purpose, and general areas of unease or anxiety.
45min / 60min / 90min / 120min
A Mediumship reading involves communicating with those you have known in life who have left the body. Most often, the invited guests will be ready to answer any questions you have and pass along any messages that are relevant to you and your present day life.
As an empath, shaman, and medium, Sonja participates as a channel; receiving and passing along evidential information to verify the connection. This information may include mannerisms, voice patterns, physical and emotional attributes, and personality traits. These are joyful sessions often filled with resolve and feelings of quiet healings and loving acceptance.
30min / 45min / 60min
Distant Energywork
Sonja’s studio is a warm and inviting space. During an In-Person Energywork session, hands are placed over, near, or on top of the body with very light to medium pressure. Various modalities may be utilized while on the table.
After time on the table, Sonja will share what she saw, heard, and felt. Through and active dialogue, the two of you will stimulate the patterns you wish to release. An Energy session helps relieve physical discomfort, stress & anxiety, and leaves you with a feeling of deep relaxation and groundings, heightened mental clarity, and comforting lightness in the Soul space.
A Distant Energywork session is great for those who don’t live in the Boston or Cambridge area, or are unable to travel to Sonja’s studio. These sessions are also ideal or those who wish to elevate & cleanse the energy in his/her/their home environment. As you receive a healing, so does your home.
60min / 90min
2-Hour Deep Dive & Reset
Sonja likes to refer to this session as The Yard Sale; helping you clear space and lovingly purge what no longer serves you. This is a powerful energetic session; exploring the soft corners of the heart where you may have hidden and tucked away attachments, memories, and patterns that no longer resonate with you nor the path you’d like to create.
In these two uninterrupted hours, you and Sonja will update self-talk, examine social conditioning, reignite ambitions, and renew the deep sacred relationship with the Self. A Deep Dive session is an active session that requires your participation. It includes wide breadth of modalities and is deeply healing, joyful, and renewing.
Session includes:
+ 30min follow-up call, to be schedule 1-2 weeks after your session
Common Questions
Prior to an Energy session, it is important to be open and willing to the healing experience and to trust your own ability to receive.
Wear comfortable clothing. In an in-person session, you will be laying on a massage table. For a distant session, do what you need to to ensure any people or animals in your environment will know not to disturb you during your session.
It is suggested to refrain from caffeine, sugar or alcohol at least three hours before an Energy session. If you are receiving a remote session, refrain from these things during the session as well.
Sonja recommends having a pen/pencil and paper available if you would like to take notes or record certain affirmations or positive mindset reminders.
After your session, energy will continue to shift and rise within and around your body. Depending on the nature of your intention, significant healing can be experienced. Success is dependent upon your own willingness to actively create healing patterns from a place of Self-love and Self-awareness. It may take 1-3 days for the healing process to feel fully integrated into your being. You may experience various rising emotions, a heightened sense of self-awareness, or newly surfacing memories. It is important to be gentle with yourself, stay hydrated, and include nutritious nourishing foods into your diet.
Rather than trying to resolve the symptom, a Shaman examines the Whole Self and system; widening the scope and acknowledging that all discomforts and illnesses have a spiritual origin.
A Shaman acts as a conduit between you, the energy of your past, and spirit and Earth. The information tat channels through also includes your alignment in the physical & spiritual bodies.
A Shamanic Energy session may relieve physical pain, release limiting emotions such as fear, stuck emotions, enable making peace with your past, heal relationships tension within your Heart Space, and help you gain clarity, confidence, and energy.
“I am not a newbie to self-work nor energy work. Therapy for years, countless Reiki practitioners, healers, and I’ve participated in numerous workshops over my many years on the planet. Let me tell you, and hear me when I say, Sonja is an entirely different creature. Creature sounds unfair, but I use it in reference to being elevated Soul… I’m uncertain if she knows how gifted she is. Her love radiates softly but profoundly and, with great kindness, she dived to the core of the Heart Space and masterfully untangled the knots - all the while maintaining the feeling of joy in the space between us. Shortly following my session, I found myself in joyful tears - a breathlessness. A monumental weight - pressure handed down to me, forced upon me as a child by the sharp tongue of my mother (now deceased) - was not only alleviated, but when I went to revisit the familiarity of painful memories, I could not find them. Thoughts were denuded and the vacancy which remained was, and still is, mine to fill with freshness and new seeds for my soul’s fulfillment. One cannot pull down a sour fruit that is no longer there. Forever grateful to Sonja for this life changing release. ”