Fertility & Creation
Bringing a child into the world is a deeply intimate process. While various circumstances precede conception, there is always time to be seen, heard, and held in a space of love with clear compassionate support. Sonja works to alleviate the stored energy and stressors in and around the body; identifying which energies are yours versus the energy belonging to others.
These sessions provide and intimate look at the energy of conception, so you can experience clean compassionate support as you move forward on the path of expanding your family.
Sonja’s soulful approach aims to untangle the mind, untangle the body, and to return you to your own inner calm; gently leading you out of ‘wanting’ and into the alleviated space of ‘trusting’ and ‘welcoming.’
Together, we will…
- View your past & present life experiences with neutrality
- Identify and release energetic blockages, outdated beliefs, and self-talk
- Be able to say No with grace and confidence
- Learn to mother yourself with lovingness and tenderness
- Help you establish a self-care routine so there is always time for You and your renewal
- Expand your understanding of your role in co-creation
- Tap into your most playful, joyful & trusting Self
- Practice techniques that allow you to see, feel, and speak with baby energy around you
- Guide you through the energetic anatomy of inviting the baby meant for you
- Help you enhance fertility by returning your physical, mental, and emotional well-being into balance
- Keep you in the present
- Feel excited about what is coming
Working with Sonja isn’t about…
Quick fixes or guarantees: The process of releasing, surrendering, and replenishing can lead to increased fertility and pregnancy; however working with Sonja is not about a guarantee for conception.
Replacing Therapy: Intuitive Coaching and therapy can compliment each other very well; however, Intuitive coaching is not a substitute for psychological or psychiatric care.
Replacing Medical care: While the relationship between you and your body will be explored, medical advice is outside the scope of your work with Sonja.
“It pains me to say that I couldn’t truly connect with my son before I met Sonja. He was a sealed box. My husband and I took him to doctors and specialists and they gave us no answers to why he was deeply withdrawn. Giving him pharmaceuticals was something I wasn’t willing to move forward with. He was five when I met Sonja and I needed help. My heart was consumed with missing a son who was right in front of me. Sonja immediately tapped into my sons’ characteristics and shared a wealth of information I never ever(!) considered. She saw into his past lives and could even describe the areas in our house where he liked to burrow. She named the only two colors of crayon he used. She gave me strength to be patient but also gave us specific questions to ask him, including a girl’s name from a past life. Wow!!! When I asked him about the girl, he started to answer how he wanted to see her again. My husband and I couldn’t recall him ever meeting a friend by that name. I asked what he missed most about her, and he said, “Walking in the field together.” We kept asking questions and everything changed. He had so much to say. Sonja said that when our son was done sharing all he can, he’d be ready to participate in this life, as a kid. That is exactly what happened! He volunteered eye contact and became excitable and interested in playing. Sonja also suggested essential oils that would bring him comfort and when in the daytime he would benefit from them the most. I don’t know if an angel helped me find Sonja or if Sonja is the angel.”
-K. Simms
“A friend, who had worked with Sonja before, sent me her contact. My husband and I were a full year into IVF. We were exhausted and I was utterly depleted and I was in a cycle of constant swirling emotions. I can see now how ungrounded I was. I surrendered control of my body throughout the process because of the trust placed upon science and our well-respected doctor(s).
When I met Sonja, my whole being felt like it was being calmed. I felt completely seen by her presence. Not only was I seen and heard, but the space Sonja created let me “unpack” my sadness and stress quite quickly.
I met with Sonja over three times and each time I grew increasingly empowered. She incredibly kind, she has a unique way of creating a playful spirited dynamic. I found myself crying and then laughing on more than one occasion. AND time after time, feeling completely liberated from the need to be worried or have control.
The exercises, meditations, updated self-talk all contributed far more to my mental and physical health than the monotonous exchanges with our doctor. I’m in my 2nd trimester and I truly feel Sonja helped me (and my husband) create a loving landing pad/nest for a baby who was meant for us. Also, I think I would have been a far more nervous & controlling mother had I not met Sonja. I think our baby will thank her from afar! ”
“When I walk out of Sonja’s studio, I feel like an unleashed empowered woman! I spent years giving my power away to men I dated. I’ll never go back to accepting the gender conditioning I was raised with (both by my family and by society). Forever empowered! Thank you Sonja!!”
“What can I say, Sonja is the real deal intuitive and healer. I’m not going to lie, some of the things she told me were hard to hear. After the first session, I was very tired, just as she told me I’d be. She reminded me that it takes a lot of energy to release the “outdated and old.” I could feel the resistance in me to release. Everything felt tight, but Sonja knew exactly what to say to calm me. She taught me a guided meditation to help me soften my heart and connect with babies. I was never a crier, but I cried like a baby when I felt one the first time!! The sky opened up and I was like a Jedi! LOL. While working with Sonja, I became a new, more loving and playful person. The changes affected all of my relationships. The flower essences and essential oils she recommended rocked my world.
My time with Sonja has been life changing. I’m a better person and I learned to understand how my patterns and judgements prevented me from attracting baby energy. My son just turned 1 and I’m forever thankful for meeting Sonja. ”